Want to Adopt a Mustang?

 mustangs in MontanaFederal land managers have approved a summer roundup at Montana's Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range to curb the size of its mustang herd.

The Bureau of Land Management announced Wednesday that it plans to remove 20 horses in 2015 and 6-12 horses annually in future years to reduce the size of the 170-animal herd.

The horses would be put up for adoption.

The Pryor herd is believed to be descended from horses used by Spanish Conquistadors. Roundups to reduce the herd take place periodically, with 700 horses removed since 1971.

The last took place in 2012, when 38 horses and six foals were removed to prevent overgrazing and other damage to the range.

The horse range established in 1968 includes 38,000 acres of public land near the Wyoming-Montana border.

MORE>>>Billings Gazette





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