NEWS: Grizzly Attack Sends One To Hospital

A pair of elk hunters got the fright of their lives when they were attacked by what they said was a grizzly bear on the Eastern border of Idaho.
The pair was walking through the brush with their bows when they startled a bear that had been concealed by foliage. The bear charged the first hunter, who managed to apply some bear spray before being struck and knocked to the ground.
The second hunter then used another can of bear spray, which succeeded in making the bear turn around and leave. It certainly seems like one of those cases where bear spray may have saved a person's life, or at least spared them worse injury.

Both of the hunters were able to leave on their feet, although the first victim of the attack was sent to Madison Memorial Hospital in Rexburg. Idaho Fish and Wildlife has not been able to prove that it was a grizzly bear, but we don't see any reason to doubt the men at this juncture.
The men seemed to do about as well as you could expect in the event of a bear attack, but it also seems as if they were pretty lucky.
Signage has been erected on the road with the goal of warning people about the increased bear danger.

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