Shooting for Sage Grouse Buffers

sage grouseA governor’s council studying how to protect sage grouse in Montana — and avoid federal listing of the bird as an endangered species — on Wednesday recommended restrictions on new development in grouse habitat

Some of the restrictions may be controversial, said council member Glenn Marx, but the state must show it’s protecting the bird, or ultimately risk the heavy hand of federal management.

“It’s essential in Montana that we find a way that we are monitoring and reducing impacts (to grouse habitat),” said Marx, executive director of the Montana Association of Land Trusts.

“We’re not just talking about sage-grouse management; we’re talking about controlling our future here,” he continued. “We’re talking about our economic future.”

Gov. Steve Bullock, who appointed the 12-member advisory council early last year, said if the sage grouse is listed as an endangered species, the state would face even greater restrictions on its economy and land-management policies.

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