Rail Jam Will Jam Uptown Butte

rail jamThe chance to ski and snowboard in Butte will be offered for one day only as part of the Mining City's first ever Rail Jam.

On March 7, snowboarders and skiers will compete down a man-made snow course in uptown Butte. Discovery Ski Area will send workers to build the course which will include rails, boxes and a 15-foot jump.

Organizers said about 20 dump-trucks of snow will be brought in with the help of Butte-Silver Bow Parks and Rec.

"Along with helping out with multiple street closures, they are going to be the main ones helping out with snow. We're going to be bringing in dump truck loads of snow. Each dump truck load holds about 10 cubic yards of snow and we're planning to build a 350-foot long course at 20-feet wide at about six inches deep," said Matt Boyle, CEO of SHGF Productions, one of the main organizers of the event.

The course will be set up on Arizona Street, from Quartz Street down through Granite and ending at Broadway.

Admission is free to the all-day event which will also feature live music.


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