Pie a la Road

Montana pieThis was my last pie stop and I am so thankful I heard about it. The weather was cool and rainy as I drove up to the Lazy B, perfect for a piece of pie and a hot cup of coffee. After I was seated I listened to the casual banter among the locals. I was by myself and wished that I knew someone at the café. After I selected a piece of sour cream raisin pie, a cowboy at the next table started to tell a story. He said his wife had brought home an entire sour cream raisin pie from the Lazy B. He didn’t think he liked that kind of pie but he tried a small piece and said, damn, that was so good it was addicting. After consuming my piece of sour cream raisin at the Lazy B I tend to agree with the cowboy. Other pies that I’d like to try there include black forest chokecherry and strawberry rhubarb. They also have homemade soups and serve local meats and Montana 7 grain oatmeal. And, by time I left the Lazy B, I felt like one of the locals!

MORE PIE>>>Central Montana

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