Pelicans, Pintails and Widgeons--Fall in Montana

Bob Danley doesn’t need an auditorium or a soft, padded seat to enjoy the art of synchronized dance.

Instead, this time of year, the Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge’s outdoor recreation planner just keeps his eyes peeled toward the large ponds near the refuge headquarters.

When he spots a flock of large white birds bobbing on those waters, Danley picks up his binoculars to watch a bit of nature’s own ballet.

“Their synchronized feeding has just been awesome to watch,” he said. “They all dip their bills down into the water at the same time. It’s like watching ballet.”

The annual arrival of American white pelicans at the refuge north of Stevensville is a harbinger of fall.

“Right now, we have about 20 pelicans here on the refuge,” he said. “With their eight-foot wingspan and bills that can hold two gallons of water, these birds are just fantastic.”

MORE>>>The Missoulian

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