Montana Rated Top State for Entrepreneurs

Montana entrepreneurA foundation ranks Montana as the top state for entrepreneurs.

The number of start-ups in Montana increased in 2013. The Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity reports Montana leads the nation in new business creation with 610 entrepreneurs for every 100,000 adults. Black Knight Security based in Missoula is opening a new store in the Magic City.

"Billings is still growing business-wise and there's a lot of opportunity for us," said Wade Herbert, Black Knight Security owner. "The Bakken is part of that, but I think Billings itself is just getting more business in it. They can spread out. There's a diverse community so we just felt like we needed to be part of that."

Other businesses already established in Billings say they continue to grow. Paula's Edibles owner Karen Kennedy-Senn said they have created new product lines and started partnerships with some hotel chains. With their new website, Kennedy-Senn says they are getting orders from locals and out-of-staters too.

"The western-themed, made in Montana, made local, people actually search them out and that's what they're looking for," Kennedy-Senn said. "So I think it says that there is room for growth. I think it says that we have quality."


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