Montana Oscar Winner Says "Call Your Mother"

J K SimmonsJ.K. Simmons won Best Supporting Actor at the Oscars on Sunday for his performance in "Whiplash."

 In the film, Simmons plays fearsome band teacher Terence Fletcher, who continuously abuses young jazz drummer Andrew (Miles Teller) as the student tries to prove his worth. This is the 60-year-old actor's first Oscar nomination and win. He beat out Ethan Hawke ("Boyhood"), Robert Duvall ("The Judge"), Edward Norton ("Birdman") and Mark Ruffalo ("Foxcatcher") for the honor.

 Simmons thanked his wife and children in his acceptance speech, before making a plea to everyone to call their parents.

 "If you’re lucky enough to have a parent alive on this planet -- call them, don’t text them!" Simmons said.

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