Montana #1 for Entrepreneurship

Montana entrepreneurA couple of recent studies indicate that the United States is becoming less entrepreneurial. In other words, fewer Americans are interested in starting their own business.

Research by the Brookings Institution has found that business dynamism has declined across the nation. Researchers at Brookings found that business deaths have outnumbered business creations at least since 2008, when the great recession started.

Business dynamism is the process in which firms are born, fail, expand, and contract, as some jobs are created, others are destroyed, and others still are turned over. “Entrepreneurs play a critical role in this process, and in net job creation,” according to Brookings.

Research by Brookings shows a steady slowdown of business creation. “Business churning and new firm formations have been on a persistent decline during the last few decades, and the pace of net job creation has been subdued. This decline has been documented across a broad range of sectors in the U.S. economy,” Brookings reports.

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