The Lowdown on Shutdown: Plenty to do in Montana!

The federal government shutdown has shuttered the gates at Glacier and Yellowstone national parks, and while that's means disappointment for many, there's still plenty to see and do under the Big Sky.

Tourism officials say that the closures may also mark the beginning of new adventures for tourists and residents looking for a local vacation.

The government shutdown can effect travel significantly in Montana especially in regards to the states two biggest tourism drivers - Glacier National Park and Yellowstone National Park - but state experts say it's not the worst time for a government shutdown.

"The advantage of having it now is that it's not the height of the summer season, because that's when people are actually coming, so while there will be an impact to Montana, the impact isn't going to be as big as it would be if we were in July, which is the biggest month in which non-residents come here," Director of the Institution of Tourism and Recreation Research Norma Nickerson explained.

She added that there are still plenty of things to do around the Treasure State.

"If you look at it from a different perspective, it's a fun challenge to them to find things that they wouldn't have done, but now they're going to do."

Montana still offers numerous outdoor activities like hiking, camping, fishing - and even skiing in the next few weeks.


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