Kids vs. Global Warming Heads to Appeal Court with Montana Lawyer

climate changeA Montana attorney is headed for a Washington, D.C., appeals court to help argue for the American children who will have to deal with increasing climate-change effects in the future.

On May 2, Missoula lawyer Thomas Beers will join attorneys Philip Gregory of Burlingame, California, and Julia Olson of Eugene, Oregon, as they present the case of five teenagers and two nonprofit organizations – Kids vs. Global Warming and WildEarth Guardians — to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Beers said they would be asking the appeals court to order a lower D.C. court to hear their case, which was first filed in May 2011.

The lower D.C. court dismissed the case without a hearing in May 2012 at the request of the defendants, which include six federal agencies, among them the Department of the Interior and the Environmental Protection Agency, and the intervening National Association of Manufacturers.


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