Gallup Ranks Billings #1 City in Job Satisfaction/#15 in Well-Being

Billings MontanaPeople in Billings are feeling pretty good, according to a 2013 survey released Tuesday by Gallup and Healthways that ranks the city of Billings as No. 1 in job satisfaction and No. 15 in overall well-being. 

Results from the survey come from over 178,000 interviews. Those interviewed were asked to consider areas of their life such as emotional health, physical activity, work environment, healthy behaviors and access to basic necessities. 

Out of the 189 cities that were ranked, Billings came out on top for job satisfaction and in the top 10 percent for well-being.

For Mayor Tom Hanel, those results come as no surprise. 

Hanel said Billings is very fortunate. In comparison to other cities, he said, Billings has a lot of resources at its disposal.

MORE>>>Billings Gazette

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