Bozeman's Busy Skies

Bozeman Yellowstone AirportNew numbers show Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport continues to benefit from growth in the Gallatin Valley.

Airport administrators say the number of travelers flying in and out of BZN was up 5.1 percent in March compared to one year ago. In the last 12 months, nearly 500,000 passengers have traveled through Montana's busiest airport.

To see the full report on passenger boardings, click here.

Bozeman area residents may be grumbling about a lack of powder days this winter, but Deputy Airport Director Scott Humphrey said continued growth in the first quarter of this year is due in part to better snow at local ski resorts.

"Despite the mild winter we've had, our ski resorts have faired better than most in the Western states," said Humphrey.

Humphrey said April should be another record-setting month and he anticipates 2015 to be a record year overall.

For the past few years, the airport has seen double-digit growth, but Humphrey said things will likely slow down a little this summer.

For the past two decades, BZN has been growing at around 5 percent each year, which is twice the national average for an airport of its size.

While the number of passengers flying in and out of of Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport this summer may not be as great as last year, Humphrey advises anyone looking to travel this summer to think about booking now. That's because they're anticipating 14 percent fewer seats in June, July and August, which means planes will fill up faster.

When asked about a rumored flight to Dallas-Fort Worth, Humphrey said they continue to be in contact with American Airlines, but had nothing new to report.


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