Bogeyman; Wandering Goat; Bone Pile; Bullhorn Blast; Chicken Littering; Snowball Attack

police report MontanaPolice Report from the Flathead

3:48 a.m. A Columbia Falls resident reported that someone was in their closet. A deputy checked the closet and determined that it was safe.

6:48 a.m. A goat was seen wandering down Highway 2 East in Columbia Falls.

8:22 a.m. Someone found a pile of bones wrapped in a blanket on Crane Mountain.

11:12 a.m. Someone called in to discuss a dog that was involved in some criminal activity in Lincoln County.

12:42 p.m. A Hungry Horse woman reported that the people at “Fort Hungry Horse” set fireworks off at night. In retaliation, she stated that she planned to buy a bullhorn and yell into it all day.

12:59 p.m. A shepherd on Willow Glen Drive was accused of killing a chicken. An animal warden found the dog sleeping on its porch, appearing indifferent about the whole thing.

5:11 p.m. A Lakeside woman came home to find her neighbor mowing her lawn. When she confronted the man about his activities, he became upset. She stated that she is “freaked out” by his behavior and now she doesn’t want to go home.

6:21 p.m. Someone driving down Highway 35 in Kalispell reported that boys in a little black pickup threw a snowball at his car.

6:45 p.m. A Columbia Falls woman complained that the neighbor man has been discarding his dead chickens in her yard.

7:01 p.m. Someone was heard whistling while they worked during an accidental phone call to 911.

10:29 p.m. A woman on Spring Creek Drive reported that a creepy man walked through her yard and waved at her through her window.


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