VIDEO: World Famous Grizzly 399 Sighted Crossing Road
Source: Youtube
Authentic social media sensation Grizzly 399 has been sighted by some lucky Grand Teton National Park tourists while crossing the road with her cubs just a few days ago.
Grizzly 399 has been called "the most famous grizzly bear in the world," with her own social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram. She is also the subject of a children's book published in May 2020.
Part of her celebrity comes from her advanced age and presumed intelligence. Born in 1996, she has now reached the august age of 24. It is relatively rare to see a grizzly that old produce cubs, but she bore a litter of four just last season. Her adorable brood can be seen in the video below.
Source: Youtube
Grizzly 399 has become reasonably habituated to dealing with humans in high-traffic areas, near roads, etc. Some have theorized that she now sticks closer to those areas while traveling with young because though the risk of human interaction is higher it is still safer than traversing the backcountry, where adult male grizzlies will sometimes kill cubs.
Griz 399's paparazzo - Source: Youtube
Many come to Yellowstone specifically to get a glimpse of Grizzly 399. As world famous wildlife photographer Thomas Mangelson has said, "These are not just any bears... they might be the most famous grizzlies alive today on the planet. For all these people, catching a glimpse of them is the thrill of a lifetime."
No doubt the assembled tourists who saw the queen of grizzlies regal road-crossing were starstruck. We hope Grizzly 399 a long and glorious reign.
See the video below, and please note: there is some foul language at the beginning of the video -- mute if you don't want to hear it, or turn it up louder if you very badly DO want to hear it!
Source: Youtube - For licensing or usage, contact
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I know people like to see her but I wish they would just leave her and her cubs alone. Some moron is going to try and kill them just because they're so popular.
I see a lunch for a griz… You people are way to close and your cameras are zooms. Think about it. If that bear does attack then its a dead bear as it has to be destroyed. Think about that while taking your picture,. Its your fault if your attacked and then the rest of the world will be at lost for your stupid mistake, Just look at the fat guy in the blue shirt he can't move and would make a perfect lunch for the cubs. Bears on there first lunge can go up to 40 feet. Think about it.
I honestly can’t believe people would get so close to a momma bear with her cubs. So dangerous!! What if that bear felt threatened and attacked to protect her cubs. She would have been killed and those babies orphaned, all because idiots need a damn picture.
Staged? Not with a grizzly in the wild. Allowing a group to follow a mother bear would never happen in the Canadian National parks if rangers were present though, so that is odd for sure.
It wasn’t just some river. It was the Mississippi River. And unfortunately due to Mideast and people wouldn’t leave it alone it became trapped in a residential area near I70 and became dehydrated and had to be tranquilized and sent to a zoo to be rehabbed and released hopefully
Beautiful, healthy Moma Grizz and 4 cubs. Everyone (also too many humans collecting) are far too close to a Mother Grizz, while she protects her young. This is not cute and should be shut down immediately. I live in the mountains and in bear country.
Not sure why these folks are allowed to be so close. The grizzly distance rule in Yellowstone is 100 meters. These people are easily within 50 meters and I would venture to say 25 in most instances. Posting this video further promotes bad behavior as ignorant people believe it's okay.
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