Worth the Trip

Bozeman Area
15 miles from Four Corners on Rt. 191, South Fork of Spanish Creek. Turn right at the sign, pass through Ted Turner’s Flying D Ranch and you will likely see many bison roaming the terrain. The gravel road ends at a campsite with beautiful hiking loops, three alpine lakes, and flowers all summer.

St. Ignatius Mission
Established by Jesuits in 1854 on the Flathead Indian Reservation, the St. Ignatius Mission contains a beautiful series of 58 frescoes handpainted by the Mission’s cook, Br. Joseph Carignano, a self-taught artist. The Church is just off Route 93 midway between Polson and Missoula, near the National Bison Range. The Indian Museum and Gift shop are also worth visiting. (406) 745-3859.

Charlie Russell Chew Choo
One evening board the train and ride through rolling hills and ranchlands. 3.5 hours. Includes prime rib diner and dessert, no-host bar, music and masked bandits. Awesome experience, people say. Begins in Lewistown, goes to Denton and back again (406) 535-5436 or (866) 912-3980. Email [email protected] .www.montanadinnertrain.com.

Willow Creek Café & Saloon
21 N. Main St., Willow Creek, just south of Three Forks. (406) 285-3698. In this white house, you sit in a spacious rustic dining room with homespun table settings and furniture. Famous for barbecued ribs and roast beef (on Sundays).

Nevada City
Take a vacation here and watch a living history event, given every weekend during the summer. If possible, go for a Lantern Tour offered only a few times, and watch 20 or so living history re-enactors tell a lively, visual story of authentic early history, complete with shootouts. 1 (800) 829-2969 or (406) 843-5247
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worth the trip?
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