But that doesn't stop the bear, who must smell food in the car. He stands up, walks towards it, and easily opens it with his paw.
We still don't understand what happens next. Now the man filming goes down from his house towards the car, seemingly unaware that the bear is actually inside the car. When he gets close enough to discover that, he screams, curses (language warning!), and slams the car door.
Now there's a scared man with a bear in his car, probably wondering if bears mauling his car will be covered by his insurance. And there's a very scared bear locked inside of something which is profoundly alien to him. The only thing for the bear to do is start breaking things until something lets him out of this metal and plastic hell.
Thank goodness no one, bear or human got hurt.
I guess the lesson is, don't leave your doors open in bear country. What a bizarre encounter!
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