Angela Jamison is a native Montanan and she grew up in beautiful Bozeman. I'm the mother of two girls and write a blog about our life here and taking in the simple pleasures of family and food.
Somehow we have found ourselves right in the middle of November. One day we are marveling at the color of the valley as the leaves turn brilliant shades of orange and gold, the next day we are under a blanket of snow and scrambling to make sure everyone’s snow boots still fit. Winter, as always, making an abrupt appearance while fall was still in the middle of its performance. It happens each year, yet every time I am startled at the first snow storm. As a non-skier-summer-lover you think this would bring me down, but it’s just the opposite. I am taken away by the beauty of the white flakes falling down. I fall in love with the contrast of the snow covered mountains and the bright blue sky. I am instantly filled with holiday spirit and have to make myself wait patiently until after Thanksgiving to pull out the Christmas decorations.
The quiet month after the sugar high of Halloween and the wonderful chaos of Christmas.
In November I am appropriately filled with gratitude. When the weekends are calm. When there is no feeling guilty for staying inside all weekend watching movies because it’s too cold to go outside. Yes, we have a very important holiday in November, but it is one that needs little preparation. There are no decorations, no gifts…simply being with family, friends and eating. Taking time to slow down and remind ourselves of all we are grateful for.
Finding gratitude in those around you….
Whether your family is near or far, knowing how lucky you are to have them. Reminding yourself that family can be loosely defined and those friends that you chose to be your family are also something to be grateful for. You know the friends I’m talking about….the ones that are always there for you, know your history, that are easy to be around, that treat your kids like their own. Always find gratitude in those you love, even when often they are the easiest to take for granted.
Finding gratitude in your community…
How lucky we are to call Montana home. Bozeman in particular for me, which in my opinion makes me even luckier. Not everyone gets to wake up to the beauty we get to see everyday. As our community changes there are growing pains, not everyone always sees eye to eye on this. I think one thing we can all agree on is the reason we’re so passionate about it is because it’s so darn great here. I have grown up here and have seen the changes and for this town that has nurtured me and now welcomes my children, I am grateful. For the happiness I see in most people around and those reaching out to help their neighbors, I am grateful. For the mountains that surround us and the neighborhoods tucked inside, I am grateful.
Finding gratitude in the snow…
For November I will embrace the snow. I will enjoy it’s charm throughout the holiday season…for baking, for sledding and snowmen, for extra blankets on the bed and the coziness of scarves each day. I will try to be grateful for it for as long as I can. If I make it until February I will consider it a success.
Finding gratitude in the calm…
Next month things will speed up. As we inch towards Christmas it will be hard to not get caught up in it…the wanting stuff, the shopping for everyone on your list, the holiday parties, the cramming in all the traditions. It will be wonderful and exhausting as it always is. Right now I will be grateful for the quiet, the calm, the peace of November.
This month I hope you will find what you are grateful for. “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” -Melody Beattie