Reason Not To Move To Montana #843: Big, Gross, Killer Bugs
Montana has a lot to recommend it. It also has a lot to be terrified of, including some of the most disgusting, dangerous, hideous insects this side of Australia. Have we missed any? Leave a comment with your favorite horrible bugs!

Cow Killers
When nature paints something red and black, that usually means "stay away." The cow killer is named for supposedly being so potent that it can kill a cow. Humans that have been stung haven't died, but hoo boy, they sure were in pain.

Black Widow Spiders
Black Widows might, pound for pound, be more dangerous than rattlesnakes. If it doesn't kill you, you're lucky, but you're still going to experience severe muscle cramping and seizing, nausea, fever, profuse sweating, and a host of other very unpleasant symptoms.

Murder Hornets
Murder hornets haven't been found in Montana, but given that they're a highly invasive species capable of spawning multiple queens per nest, they'll get here soon enough. And when they do, they'll bring their killer instincts with them; they're named for tearing the heads off of honey bees. Shudder.

Hobo Spiders
Hobo Spiders used to be thought very dangerous, but they have since been downgraded. We're not entirely convinced. Their bites used to be associated with dead, necrotic flesh, and horrible abscesses. So we'll be trying to stay away regardless of what the scientists say now.

American Dog Tick
In addition to the ticks that carry Lyme disease, the American Dog Tick can spread Rocky Mountain spotted fever, which can be very deadly if not treated with antibiotics early on.

Blister Beetle
Blister beetles secrete a blistering agent, cantharadin, which is classified as an "extremely hazardous substance," and causes extreme chemical burns. Don't mess with them.

Masked Hunter
The Masked Hunter is an Assassin Beetle, and truly a creature of nightmares. It's horrible appearance isn't it's own exoskeleton, but is the result of a gross, sticky substance it grows over it's whole body, so that it becomes covered in lint, dust, and other detritus. Worse, they are often present in bed bug infestations. Their bites will be painful for a week. They might be less dangerous than some of these other bugs, but boy is it ever gross.
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