Our Summer Issue's Lewis and Clark Cover Revealed!
It's always exciting to share the cover of another issue with you, and this one is especially exciting because the theme of our Summer 2022 issue is Lewis and Clark!
And as always, we're proud of and delighted by the work of graphic designer and illustrator Rob Rath, who has come up with this beautiful, quirky image showing the meeting of past and present, because as any good Montanan knows, Lewis and Clark never really left!
In this very special issue, we'll look at the accomplishments of the Corps of Discovery, as well as some of the adventures they had while in our fair state. From their increasingly fraught encounters with grizzly bears to their encounters with the Salish, from the later lives of Pompey and Sacajawea to the way Lewis and Clark seem to stick in the hearts and minds of modern day Montanans, it's bound to be an adventure perhaps not quite as exciting as Lewis and Clark's journey through the Louisiana Purchase, but with much less portaging.
The summer issue hits newsstands on June 15th, so if you subscribe now, you'll receive this colossal issue just in time for your own summer travels across Montana!

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