Fish Eye App for Google Glass: Is Nothing Sacred?

google glassOn a sunny day last week at Montana Tech, Nick Hawthorne posed for a picture outside. Two students walked by, and as they passed one said, “Wow! He’s got Google Glass!”

Hawthorne, an assistant professor, is a Google Glass tester. He’s using the Glass to research it as a form of communication, and also to develop an app for people who enjoy fly fishing.

Google Glass is a wearable computer with an optical head-mounted display; basically, it’s a hands-free smart phone. It responds to voice commands and the wearer’s blinks, as well as by swiping the side of the Glass with a finger.

Some might be skeptical at the practicality of Google Glass, especially at its price: $1,500. But Hawthorne says it has some interesting uses, even if it does look like something from Star Trek.

He noted that firefighters in New York City are using Glass to call up building plans so they know exactly where to go in a structure that’s on fire, and so they don’t miss any rooms. Glass can call up restaurant reviews while a person stands in front of the restaurant. Doctors can record surgeries to teach budding surgeons the trade.

In short, Glass allows a person to see through the eyes of another.

“The idea is to have it be less invasive and hands-free,” said Hawthorne, who teaches in Tech’s Technical Communications department. “It has its limitations, but this is bleeding-edge technology, which is different from cutting-edge technology. With great technology comes great responsibility.”

Hawthorne said there’s been a concern that Google Glass wearers are constantly recording, but it’s not true. He said the Glass battery lasts less than an hour when recording. But call up the photography option and blink your eye, and there’s a picture.

Google Glass is also “Bluetooth tethered,” which means it requires a cell phone nearby to connect to. Glass instantly uploads to the Cloud, unlike a smart phone or a GoPro camera. It’s not perfect, though, and Hawthorne gives regular pointers to the “Google Glass explorer community,” where testers like himself make suggestions to Google on how to better the product.

Montana Standard

Happy Trails

By Bill Muhlenfeld

Bill MuhlenfeldBill Muhlenfeld is owner and publisher of Distinctly Montana magazine and other publications. He lives in Bozeman with his partner, Anthea, and always finds time to enjoy the great outdoors, when he is not writing about it.... 

Not far from my home they've just finished installing a new section of trail, perhaps a half-mile long.  A friend just told me about a whole new trail system in the southeast part of Bozeman...gotta check that one out too.

One of Montana's great pleasures is that, no matter where you live, there is a trail beckoning your boots, bike or seasonal transportation of choice.  Some are quite short, like the one near my house, and others will take you deep into the woods, across flowery mountain passes or to lakes with names like "Mystic," "Buffalo" or "Clearwater."  One thing is certain.  No matter how long you live you could never travel every mile out their for the treking.  There are about 700 miles of trails in Glacier alone and, as I remember, there are about 80 miles or so in and around Bozeman.

This is part of that ubiquitous "quality of life" citation we hear from newcomers (and one I use to explain a long-ago move from Chicago).  It is also, no doubt, why Montana was just voted by its residents as the highest-rated state in the country for living a satisfied life (see Gallup poll

As a matter of fact, as I'm feeling the urge, I think I'll be off for a trail run.

Happy Trails!

Montana's Cowboy Hall of Fame Announces 2014 Inductions

Today the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame & Western Heritage Center (MCHF & WHC) announced the seventh class of inductions into the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame.

The inductees were chosen from a field of candidates nominated by the general public. Inductees are honored for their notable contributions to the history and culture of Montana.

"This is truly a celebration of our authentic Montana heritage and those who pass it forward," Christy Stensland, executive director of the MCHF & WHC said.

Since the initial round of inductions to the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame in 2008, including this year's inductions, 201 inductees have been honored.

Nomination criteria established by the board for the Class of 2014 inductions allowed the election of up to one Living Inductee and two Legacy Inductees from each of the 12 districts.

"Many assume that to be inducted into the Hall of Fame you would have to be a famous cowboy," Stensland said. "When in fact, the Hall of Fame exists to honor those who have made an impact in their local community and serve as a symbol of this way of life for future generations.