Kimock Concert

Jul 13 Wednesday
8 PM
The Wilma
Live Music & Concerts
Missoula Region

Photo Albums: Retro cool and oh-so-important for preserving your photos.

By Jenna Caplette

“She touched one battered cover fondly, “It’s mad the things we worry about, isn’t it? My cottage is jammed to the rafters, and all I could think about was that someone might break in and steal my old snapshots.” 

 — Susanna Kearsley in The Shadowy Horses

Be kind to mystery writers. How are they going to give a detective the essential tip that solves a case if there are no family photo albums to review to find that elusive clue?  Photos on a Smart Phone or even those locked on a thumb drive just don’t have that same tangible quality — and it’s likely the detective would have to sort through hundreds or thousands of images to find the case-solving one.

Yes. This is the type of stuff I think about when I’m reading. Really.  Then I fret over my collection of digital, never-printed images. 

In the days of film, getting images printed was what I did. With digital, it’s easy to forget the wonder and beauty, the ease of sharing printed photographs.  Albums become the finger prints to your family’s history, the lives of parents and grandparents. They remind you of the growth of children and grandchildren. I have several albums put together by my grandmother, everything labeled in her tight, careful, cursive script. 

What is the most simple approach to preserving images? Choose your best and print them. It’s best not to wait until you have time to edit them. Find a photo album and write descriptions while all the detail of who, what, when and where are fresh in your mind. If you want to do something more with your images later, you can. But waiting until tomorrow to get around to it becomes a habit that can make saving memories harder for you.

There are many different approaches to organizing images and organization is essential with digital imagery. One approach that might lead to a successful album creation is simply to take the time to add the best images from each month to a folder marked by month and year and print them. Even the busiest of us can make this approach happen. 

Choose a photo album that will work for you and make sure that it’s archival. Then, add the photographs you’ve chosen in order by month. You can mix in non-photos that you want to remember — a postcard from somewhere (they do still make those) — a recipe, or a movie or concert stub. 

The act of putting an album together helps bring memories alive in and of itself. It’s like savoring a good meal or having a coffee date with a friend. It brings up emotions and emotions are essential to being human: Sadness, Anger, Fear, Love, Grief, and Happiness. Every one of them.

Some albums include areas to handwrite in photo descriptions. Some don’t. But even with the ones that don’t, you could write a description on a piece of paper and slip it in to a pocket. Archival pens allow you to do that on the back of the images themselves. Your handwriting will have resonance to someone down the line, too, possibly even yourself as you age. 

Now, choose an album for your collection. Pioneer makes a wide selection from scrapbook style to slide-em-in pockets.  Some pocket albums are “bi-directional,” which allow you to slip in photos taken in landscape or portrait style. 

Some albums are expandable so you can keep adding pages to them. Albums with a fixed number of pages can create a boundary for how many images you can put in that album. Sure it’s true that some months you may have a lot of photos but other months, maybe not.  You can  average it out from there.  The finite number of pages and pockets helps with that process of choosing images to print and then slide in to your monthly folders. Don’t want that limit? Add pages. 

There are specialty albums that are super simple to create and share. For instance, with “Pinchbooks,” fold the cover back to open the spring-clasp, slide in photos (all of the same size); release so that the book snaps closed; share.  Pinchbooks come in a variety of sizes — 14! — and can be reused and recreated with the same simple process. 

With photo albums, it’s not how they look, it’s that they exist and are at hand for you and your family to enjoy. Keep them out where you will browse them — and where you can grab them on your way out the door in an emergency.  

The time to begin your photo album for 2016 is now. Right now. 


Jenna Caplette Jenna Caplette migrated from California to Montana in the early 1970s, first living on the Crow Indian reservation. A Healing Arts  Practitioner, she owns Bozeman BodyTalk & Integrative Healthcare. She says, " Health is resiliency, a zest for the journey. It’s  about coming awake to the joy of being alive. As a practitioner, its a privilege to facilitate that healing process, to help weave new  patterns of health & well-being. “ And by the way, healthier, happier people help create a healthier, happier world. 


I Married A Turkey?

By Kristen Berube

Somehow I missed the part in our wedding vows that stated the outdoorsman morphs into a different animal every season of the year based on the mating seasons of wild animals. What this basically means is that I get to see what every kind of horny animal acts like, except in human man form. Lucky me, it happens to be turkey season. Let your imagination run free with what that simple statement could entail, and I promise it is worse in real life. The gobbling, the strutting, the dirt scratching, the beard flaunting and the hen calling…Help!

It is a peaceful Sunday morning and I am all nestled in my warm bed, excited to actually have one day to get to sleep in…Well at least until my pack of barbarian children wake up! So anyways…I am lying there, half awake when all of the sudden the outdoorsman jumps up and is standing on the bed making this God awful racquet. Let me tell you, that is one hell of an alarm clock. So what is the outdoorsman doing you wonder? Apparently spring turkey season is upon us. Apparently he heard a tom gobbling outside of our cracked window. Apparently you simply must gobble profusely out the window and jump on the bed like an escaped mental patient at this time. Seriously, he pressed his face against the window screen so hard he had screen indents on his nose. I almost can guarantee that is not how the professionals turkey hunt…

Just sayin’…

So now the horny turkey man is awake and fired up to go get him some “turkey hen”; this meaning that he has put on his full suit of turkey hunting camouflage, has drank an entire pot of coffee while gobbling out the kitchen window, has a second pot brewing for his time spent gobbling in his blind, has black stripes across his cheek bones, and is blasting Luke Bryan’s “Huntin’ & Fishin’” song.

Do you know what nails on a chalkboard sound like? Well that is basically what a hen turkey call sounds like. There is this little “stick” scratcher thing that looks kind of like a pencil and then you scratch it on this little round “chalkboard”-like plate. The sound is horrifying and gives any normal person goose bumps and makes them cover their ears. To an outdoorsman, this is like Mozart. Lucky for me the outdoorsman decides it is time to alternate between tom and hen calling. I really think that my ears might be bleeding.

I wait a few more minutes, praying for relief, when I hear him stomp out the door and head to his blind. Thank you sweet baby Jesus. I get up anyways, because by now I am definitely awake. I get up and dink around the house and figure I am free for the day when all of the sudden the outdoorsman comes running into the house, feather stuck in his hat, toting a dead tom over his shoulder. He is as happy as a pig in sh##!

All I have to say is that I hope that the 6 a.m. gobbling and hen calling will be over now…Yes; I do know that is wishful thinking. Sigh!

Thankfully my outdoorsman is only a horny turkey at sunrise and sunset for a few hours. I hope that that is the case for you as well. Good Luck!

Hot Tip: Keep your windows shut and your ear plugs in.


Kristen BerubeKristen Berube lives a crazy, laugh-filled life with her outdoorsman husband Remi and their three camo-clad children in Missoula, Montana. A graduate of Montana State University and the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, she loves being a mom and enjoys hiking, fishing, and camping. “Confessions of a Camo Queen: Living with an Outdoorsman” is her first book. It is available for purchase at: