History of Big Sky

By Sean Jansen

Big Sky Resort History


   ~Sean Jansen


My keys insert into the ignition and turn to start the engine. The six cylinders of my Subaru slowly crank with the single digit temperatures outside my house in Bozeman. I hadn’t planned on leaving for the mountain for another 15 minutes, but it was necessary to get the car warmed up, windshield defrosted and heater cranked for a marathon day on the mountain. Today wasn’t just any day on the mountain however, today was the fist day of the season and opening weekend of the 2019/2020 season at Big Sky Resort. With a fresh dumping of light and fluffy powder, I wanted to be sure I was there towards the front of that first lift line.


The drive through the canyon was unlike any other day of a commute from Bozeman to Big Sky. The outrageous traffic Highway 191 receives with the added wrinkle of the overnight snow creating a layer of ice over the road, making the drive slower than usual. On the slow and frustrating drive to Big Sky, it dawned on me that I had no knowledge of the history of the mountain as a ski destination, and pondered how I could enjoy the runs without ever knowing how they got here. So after some wonderful powder runs with more snow continuing to dump after the first day of the season, I went home and promised I would at least read up on the mountain. Here is what I found.


The Louisiana Purchase was a landmark day in U.S. History. The purchase acquired much of the land of the central United States from Louisiana north to Montana. Though Montana was purchased in 1803, the land wasn’t homesteaded or began to become ranched until the 1890’s, Big Sky being one of the ranch areas.


For the next 80 years, the Big Sky valley was ranched and homesteaded with people living off the land and enjoying the splendid beauty of the surrounding area and Lone Peak standing in solitude. In December of 1973, NBC Newscaster, Chet Huntley, the same Huntley as the Huntley Lodge at the base of the mountain, purchased and started Big Sky Resort. Though the ski destination and resort were Huntley’s dream, he sadly never saw it to its full potential as he passed a couple years before the resort began to take shape.


In 1976, Boyne USA Resorts acquired the property and spawned Big Sky as we all know it today. 20 years down the road in 1995, the Lone Peak Tram was constructed and still runs and carries skiers and view seekers up to the 11,167 foot Lone Peak summit. Further growing, it made history when Moonlight Basin was opened in 2003, creating acres of more mountain to ski, making it the largest ski area in the country.


Today, the town of Big Sky flirts with an annual population of around 3,000 permanent residents. We all know that Gallatin County is the fastest growing county in the state and easily on the top rankings for the country. So Big Sky’s quiet little homestead history has and still is quickly growing to super stardom with the growth and popularity of Lone Peak and the now numerous new chairlifts and high end homes, accessible to anyone with a wallet and a need for a powder filled vacation.


So we may be seeing growth with the Ikon Pass making things exponentially easier and cheaper for anyone to come on over and ski Big Sky. The traffic on Highway 191 is growing almost daily with accidents on the rise and sightings of wildlife decreasing with every day. And the prices of our local and quiet Big Sky are skyrocketing, making it difficult even for the die-hard ski bum to afford a lift ticket and place to stay. But if we look back at the history of how and where it all began, one mans dream with deep American history made this entire scene possible. Something I knew nothing about for nearly two decades of the Biggest Skiing in America. So the next powder turns you make cruising off whichever of the wonderful chairlifts we have on offer, smile and be stoked that it all came to fruition, and did so in the state of Montana.

Montana Winter Cabineering

By Phil Knight

Montana Winter Cabineering
   ~Phil Knight

Winter can get long in Montana. The slush gets grey and dirty on the streets. Sidewalks hold hidden patches of treacherous ice. Clouds hang low over the valley, and days fly while the nights are long and dark. It’s easy to hibernate, binge on Netflix and eat too many Christmas cookies.

Maybe you need to get away from it all for a couple of nights, get out of town to a wild place with huge vistas, surrounded by snow-draped forests. Do some snowshoeing or skiing. Track a fox, watch ravens playing on the wind. Listen to the silence. I did my share of winter camping, freezing in an inadequate sleeping bag while my boots turned to blocks of ice. I’m over it. Give me a log cabin in the hills, stocked with wood for the stove and ready for an evening of cards and whiskey and offering a bunk to stretch out on. Yes, Virginia, there’s a cabin out there for you too. Thanks to the US Forest Service, you can rent your own hideaway in the hills, and it’s cheaper and quieter than your usual Airbnb.

Scattered across our regional national forests like the Helena, Lewis and Clark and Beaverhead-Deerlodge are a variety of rental cabins, some accessible, some remote, all rustic and cozy. Built mostly in the 20s and 30s, these ranger cabins originally housed local forest rangers and their families. Many of them had outbuildings such as barns plus corrals for horses, which were the main form of transport for the rangers back then.Now the “guard stations” have become popular with folks looking to stay in a remote location withoutthe hassle of tenting or the expense of an RV. Think card games, stew heated on the wood stove, and an adult beverage or two on the table. Outside your window the winter night sky is strewn with the diamond dust of stars. An owl hoots an incessant rhythm from a nearby grove of fir trees. Your dog is curled up by the fire. You stay up late with your friends, then crawl in your bag to dream of the powder skiing to be had in the morning.

The cabins come in a variety of sizes – most are suitable for a party of four, but some, like the Porcupine Cabin in the Crazy Mountains, sleep eight. Access to the cabins usually involves some skiing or snowshoeing in winter, with some like the Garnet Mountain Lookout, located atop a mountain at over 8,000 feet, requiring a serious trek. Others are close to the road, making for a more relaxing getaway. An example is the Window Rock Cabin. Built in 1940, it sits deep in Hyalite Canyon south of Bozeman, and isa favorite of winter visitors enjoying the ice climbing or backcountry skiing available in Hyalite. It’s only acouple hundred yards from the plowed road. There are a variety to choose from - twenty-six cabin just on the Custer-Gallatin National Forest, andtwenty four on the Beaverhead-Deerlodge! These snug little lodges are located all across Montana’snational forests. You can peruse cabins, check availability and make reservations at recreation.gov. The
cabins tend to be listed under “campgrounds.” Reserve early, because the cabins do tend to book up,
especially on weekends.

My wife and I have spent Christmases, New Years’ Eve, and other holidays with friends at thesewonderful shelters. We like to ski in and I will sometimes tow a sled behind me to haul extra boots, beer,a pot of stew and other essentials. The sled does double duty when we find a good snow-covered hill to whoosh down. The ambiance and access offered by Forest Service rental cabins is hard to beat. They’re pretty cheap aswell at $30 to $60 per night, plus a fee for the online reservation (about $9.00). And you get the whole place to yourselves! Some cabins have had all cooking and eating utensils removed due to sanitation concerns, so plan to bring your own cook stove, pots and pans, bowls, plates, mugs and tableware. The Forest Service stocks the cabins with firewood, and most have propane lanterns (bring a propane canister or two). Bring a small solar lantern or two as a backup – I have found the propane lanterns broken before. You’ll usuallyfind a splitting maul and hatchet to prepare firewood. Good protocol requires you to leave the cabin clean and organized, with plenty of split firewood, kindling and fire starter.

You can reserve cabins at recreation.gov. Happy cabineering!


Montana's Second Fall

By Doug Stevens

Montana's Second Fall

    ~Doug Stevens


When it comes to fall colors, Montana maybe doesn’t have the famous maple forests of New England, but it is blessed with quite a color season of its own.  Because of its mountains, Montana provides different ecosystems at different elevations giving rise to many different species of color-changing plants and trees, rather than just one.  The effect of this is to spread the season of color out over many weeks.  Starting up high in mid-September with the huckleberries and mountain ash, then the aspens and, finally by the end of October, the west slope larch, with some tamaracks hanging on to their color into early November.  Although this year (2019) was quite different than the “norm”, the early fall weather is usually characterized by clear warm days and cool nights and mornings.  There can certainly be a lot of outdoor activities that can be pursued amidst all that color, such as, hiking/camping, bow-hunting, golf, biking, etc.  This is the time of year that makes it easy to feel blessed to live in Montana.


So that’s the first half of fall.  What about the second half – November through the winter solstice?  Now the weather isn’t as cheery and uplifting, clear blue skies give way to clouds and rain, at least on the west side of the state where I live.  Days become shorter and darker.  The once brilliant colored trees are now bare and the leaves lie brown and rotting on the ground.  This may be nature’s way of recycling nutrients back into the environment to give us Spring and Summer again, but for some of us, it is a little harder to have “fun” at this time of year.


Many Montanans do look forward to this time of year, of course, for its rifle hunting opportunities as Montana has a proud tradition of hunting.  However, even though we are probably a minority in our state, not all of us are hunters.  (I used to be, but haven’t hunted in years).  What is there to do until the snow comes and makes things bright again and opens up other recreational possibilities?


Since I have usually spent the earlier fall getting out hiking and photographing, this is the time I get out and get my firewood.  I know it doesn’t really make economical sense.  By the time one adds in time, fuel, wear and tear on one’s truck, it is probably cheaper per cord to just buy firewood from a woodcutter.  However, it is another activity to get outside into the woods as it improves mental and physical health.  Since it is rifle season, I do dress myself and my dog in orange – I don’t want my big brown lab being mistaken for a bear!  I also live close enough to Glacier National Park that, if a nice, sunny day does roll around, I can pop up there for the day.  Being a park, there is no hunting, so its nice not to have to wear orange, but as my dog is not allowed in the Park, she unfortunately has to stay at home.


This is also the time of year when gardeners harvest their last crops and prepare their gardens for winter, tilling under all the left over vegetation. Again, letting nature take its course in decomposing and processing these potential nutrients to allow life to burst forth again come spring.  Spring bulbs are planted and mulch is placed around more sensitive plants to protect them for the cold of winter.

In effect, this time of year is a season between seasons.  It is a time to tie up the loose ends from summer and early fall and get ready for winter.  It is a time of work and preparation and provides for an orderly transition to winter and all that entails.  That means both being prepared for the inevitable winter storms that will come (i.e., firewood, tuned up snowblower, etc.), but also prepared for the fun that a Montana winter can offer, such as skiing, snowshoeing, ice fishing, sledding, snowball fights, and generally getting out to frolic in the snow!  Let us never forget the fun and positives that each season can offer.

Winter: Montana's Secret Season

By Sean Jansen

Winter: Montana’s Secret Season


   ~Sean Jansen


Tourists, visiting family members, conference travelers and Montanan’s alike flock to our state and frolic in the splendors and joys of summer. Camping, fishing, paddling, and hiking their way to help our economy. Embedding wilderness memories for their scrapbooks and Instagram, bragging to their friends about where they went.


In winter, the same process seems to work. However the actions are solely based off the joys from snow that blankets our ski resorts and mountains around the state. A similar number of tourists, visiting family members, and Montanans contribute to that economy. Only to the ski shops, resort, resort hotels, and coffee shops. But who ever said you couldn’t still hike? Couldn’t fish? Trail run, backpack; hell, go camping? I’ll be honest, there is nothing quite like a Montana summer with wildflowers blanketing the landscape and the warm air inviting you in to play. On the contrary, winter is certainly my second favorite.


Old man winter gets a bad rap. Yes, he is grumpy and cold and a vast majority of us love that for we get to wax up our skis and snowboards and slide down his angry bitter attitude. But he does have a soft side. One that does give soft powder, but also days on end where he isn’t in the mood to dump couple inches of snow and throw us in the ice box for a few days.


Fishing in Montana is a year round venture. Sure there are some days where you don’t want to put on those extra base layers. Don’t want to stand in the freezing river with steam rising from the cold water, or don’t feel like dragging that ice shelter over the frozen lake and start drilling. But there are days when the ground has thawed and midges dance on the surface of a near 50-degree day waiting to be sipped by that large brown trout.


Yellowstone’s visitation is out of control for most of the summer season, but what about winter? Check out the snowmobile and snow cat trips or slap on those cross country skis and cruise the Madison watching the swans and other creatures continue stirring like they always do. From Gardiner to Cooke City must be my favorite section of the park. With the wide Lamar valley and hundreds of bison roaming around unmolested by whatever the temperature seems to be. Open year round.


Hiking and running? Why not? Some days when the snow is thick and just recently dumped a few inches, you may need to bust our those snow shoes or cross country skis. But when the sun comes out and temperatures hover around freezing, the snow compacts and can easily be ran or hiked on. Some of the most popular hikes are the most splendid in winter.


The tranquility, peacefulness, and solitude are lost to those that think winter is a mountain resort only kind of attitude. Those that hunker down indoors watching television and over drinking coffee. Winter is the ultimate playground for any outdoor enthusiast and I beg any to get out and see for yourself. Some days I am a bit lonely watching those swans in the park, admiring the white-tailed deer and turkey along my favorite run, the sound of the river wrapping around my leg in complete solitude, or the quiet drive to a peaceful winter wonderland. You don’t have to take my word for it, but Montana’s secret weapon of a season is certainly winter.

Tips To Optimize The Little Time You Have To Workout

By Distinctly Montana

Tips To Optimize The Little Time You Have To Workout

Nothing makes a workout program fruitful more than ensuring that you have your time well planned out. You’ll agree that we are living in a busy society, and life is increasingly becoming demanding now more than ever before. But you have to keep fit and stay healthy, and regular exercise is one of the most effective ways to ensure this. Nonetheless, you don’t want your workout schedule to interfere with your work, social life, and other activities.

Now, you already know the importance of exercising to your overall well-being. But with your other pressing commitments, you may find it hard to hit the gym regularly. But let’s face it, you have some downtime left after work that if well utilized, can be incorporated into your workout timeline. You’ll also notice that it gets a bit tricky to work out during the cold seasons, where it makes sense to skip sessions or retreat from exercising altogether until the weather is more favorable. But amidst the various challenges, it can be a less daunting undertaking with a few expert hints. With that in mind, here are killer tips to optimize the little time to work out.

1. Invest In The Right Gear

Now, whether you are working out during the cold winter months or the summer, investing in the right gear will motivate you to work out. The right training apparel will boost your brain to go the extra mile. You’ll also find yourself wanting to head straight to your nearest gym even if it’s to show off your new pair of sneakers blended with some fancy yoga pants. If you find yourself dragging at the gym a lot, it may be because of your choice of workout gear. One thing to also note is that during the cold season, you need to be well-clothed and protected from the harsh weather. This is especially the case if you are working out outdoors. Here are some handy tips for those working outdoors during winter:

  • Don’t just dress warm, dress dry!

  • Go for bright colors

  • Protect your fingers as the other extremities such as your ears nose and toes

  • Ensure you have good traction

  • Always ensure to warm up fast

2. Sneak In During Your Breaks

Now, if you find that going to the gym is getting in the way of picking your kids from school or running your errands in the evening, you can always opt to hit the gym during your breaks from work. But then again, this shouldn’t interfere with your work whatsoever, or else, your boss will be pissed and on your neck. While all this will be beneficial to your workout program, it may take a toll on your body. It’s therefore imperative to find a diet regime that supports your body, provides you with the energy to continue, and all the nutrients you require. For instance, a pre-workout before heading to the gym provides you with some of the most vital nutrients you require during your workouts. According to Ryan Bucki from Fitness Informant, it is also essential to pick you’re pre-workout supplement carefully if you’re looking for a pump that promotes the desired gains. You’ll also want to ensure that the supplement safe and effective, tastes good, has the right ingredients, and is of the best quality. It should also guarantee you value for money. 

3. Opt For Outdoor Activities

To optimize the little time you have for your workouts, consider outdoor activities. While there are plenty of reasons to work out in the gym, sometimes it can get in your way, perhaps keeping you from enjoying the activities you love or spending quality time with your family. In addition to this, working out in the gym comes with a cost. But most people would be a bit skeptical about working out outdoors during the cold season. There are so many outdoor activities that can be incorporated in your workout program and that can be enjoyed by the whole family. So you really don’t need to restrict your workouts to the gym only. Activities such as skiing, hiking, and snowshoeing are fun and at the same time, these are easy activities yet very effective to those who may want to lose weight while having some fun with their families or friends. 

4. Avoid Commuting From Work 

If you have a crazy schedule, you may have little to no time for your workouts. So why not turn your commute from work into a workout? Most people spend a lot of time waiting at the subway, time that can be spent working out. There are so many ways to work out on the go, including walking, jogging, running, biking, stretching, on the go side to side lunges, and taming the stairs, just to name a few. 

5. Set Realistic Goals 

Most people at the onset of a new year will set fitness-based resolutions but will rarely stick to them. But for you to get the most out of your workouts with little time in your hands, you need to set your priorities right. In addition to this, you need to set realistic workout goals that are easy to stick to. Whether it’s to lose weight, gain muscle or simply want to stay fit, you need to set specific goals that can be accomplished even with a busy schedule. Here are some tips you could use:

  • Consider accomplishing one goal at a time

  • Own your goals

  • Make your goals specific and time-bound

  • Avoid setting your bar too high especially when starting out

  • Find something that will drive you

6. Be Flexible

There are so many ‘one size fits all’ work out programs out there but you need to know that not all will fit into your busy schedule. This is why you need a flexible workout program that suits your needs. Have a flexible workout calendar. Your calendar should not only include working out in the warm seasons but also during the cold winter months. While you can have a perfectly laid out plan, you should make room for life’s uncertainties such as bad weather, sickness, injury, change of work schedules, or absence. It’s important to have flexible training sessions, flexible performance goals, and a flexible training calendar.

And there you have it! The above tips will not only help you to optimize the little time you have for your workouts, but they will also help you to achieve your fitness goals. But then again, it all boils down to your willingness to adopt them, alongside realizing the importance of exercise to your overall well-being. 

Thompson Chain of Lakes

By Montana State Parks

Thompson Chain of Lakes State Park   
   ~Montana State Parks

Thompson Chain of Lakes State Park covers approximately 3,000 acres and stretches over 20 miles along Highway 2, halfway between Kalispell and Libby. 

This extensive park includes shoreline access to 18 lakes including McGregor Lake, Little McGregor Lake, Lower Thompson Lake, Middle Thompson Lake, Upper Thompson Lake, Horseshoe Lake and Loon Lake.

Visitors enjoy swimming, boating, camping, water skiing, and the lakes are especially noted for great fishing. Thompson Chain of Lakes State Park also offers some of the most outstanding opportunities for wildlife viewing in northwest Montana.

Did you know?

There are 91 campsites in the 20 mile length of lakes.  A fee is charged for camping and day use. There are 83 primitive campsites and 8 group campsites, all of which require a fee for overnight camping. 
Developed, concrete boat ramps are located at Boisverts on McGregor Lake, the Peninsula on Lower Thompson Lake, Upper Thompson Lake, Horseshoe Lake and Loon Lake. Latrines are available throughout the park area. Maps are available on site. Roads are primitive and not recommended for motor homes and large trailers. However, the 22 developed campsites at Logan State Park, located on Middle Thompson Lake are suitable for large camping units.
Visitors enjoy swimming, boating, camping, water skiing, and fishing for black crappie, brook trout, lake trout, northern pike, rainbow trout, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, kokanee salmon, westslope cutthroat trout and yellow perch.

Let’s get outside!