In Which States are Residents Living The American Dream?

the American dreamThe ADCI or the American Dream Composite IndexTM  powered by dunnhumby is a measure of the level of satisfaction with all the dimensions of the American Dream among people living in the United States. The ADCI represents the first measurement that quantifies the American Dream in its entirety. A comprehensive and robust measure, the ADCI gauges our nation’s well-being as a function of the multifaceted American Dream. The ADCI takes into account all aspects of life in its calculation. The ADCI measures true aspiration of the people living in the United States and is based on a monthly survey of 1,000 people living in the United States. The results of the survey respondents are used to calculate the ADCI, and the five sub-indices (Economic, Well-Being, Societal, Diversity, and Environment).

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Too Big for a Bucket?

By Bill Muhlenfeld

Bill MuhlenfeldBill Muhlenfeld is owner and publisher of Distinctly Montana magazine and other publications. He lives in Bozeman with his partner, Anthea, and always finds time to enjoy the great outdoors, when he is not writing about it....

Let's face it.  Montana is just one big bucket list all by itself.  After living here for 16 years I am amazed at how many things I have not done, seen or experienced.  Why have I not been to the Hi-line, or seen the Cut Bank penguin?  The Yaak Valley?  Not yet.  Custer's last stand portrayal?  Maybe next year.  Wild Horse Island? Uh-uh. Garden of a Thousand Buddhas?  Pray for me.

Honestly, I'm starting to feel a bit guilty about not getting to all these places.  Yes, I do add them, new ones every year; but, come on, there are 54 state parks, on top of a book-full of oddities and curiosities--like Jim Dolan's 39 horse sculptures outside of Three Forks, the World's Longest Dinosaur in Bynum and the barstool races in Martin City.

Trust me, the list goes on and on.

So what's the answer?  I'm not sure there is one, except to keep plugging away.  For help and guidance I rely on the Montana State Parks app for my mobile phone, and a great little book called Montana Curiosities.

Now, if you excuse me, I'm off to see the $50,000 Silver Dollar Bar in Haugan.