Ghost Town Rises From the Dead

Garnet MontanaAn old Montana gold mining outpost has gone from ghost town to boomtown.

 The U.S. Bureau of Land Management is giving four history buffs the chance to live in Garnet, a preserved mining town on public land in Montana. But they'll have to help maintain it and they won't have the creature comforts of the current century.

 “It’s primitive, to say the least,” U.S. Bureau of Land Management Ranger Nacoma Gainan told the the Missoulian. “It’s for people who love the outdoors and want to give back. There’s no electricity, no Wi-Fi and no running water. But there are trails to explore, artifacts to inspect. Volunteers are really left to their own devices after the visitors are gone.”

The response from those who want to volunteer and rough it like gold rush miners in the ghost town, located east of Missoula in the Garnet Mountains, was higher than expected.

“We’ve had an overwhelming response,” Maria Craig, outdoor recreation planner for the Missoula Field Office of the BLA, told “We’ve had 400 volunteers when we only need about four. We’re swamped. This is a time sensitive matter so we are now focusing on the upkeep.”

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