1 Million Yellowstone Visitors in Just 1 Month?

YellowstoneIf things seemed a little crowded last month during your visit to Yellowstone National Park, it wasn’t just you. It was the million other people who picked July to visit Old Faithful, Yellowstone Lake, Mammoth Hot Springs and the park’s other top attractions.

July was the busiest single month ever in Yellowstone, according to numbers posted online by the National Park Service. Yellowstone saw 980,702 recreational visitors last month, a 14 percent increase over July 2014, when 858,857 recreational visitors toured the park. That’s 2 percent higher than June 2010, which had been the busiest month on record until now.

So while the total number of recreational visitors in the park didn’t quite surpass 1 million, when factoring in all the additional people in the park for other reasons — delivery drivers, contractors, park employees and others — the total number of visitors came to 1,155,468.

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