Preparing Not to Fail

By Doug Stevens

Preparing Not to Fail

by Doug Stevens, “The Graytrekker”

My main outdoor focus is being an avid backpacker and backcountry landscape photographer.  Even though I do get out and do things in the winter, like skiing, etc., late Spring through Fall is my favorite time.  Therefore, I find I spend a lot of time in the winter planning and preparing for the seasons ahead.  Before retiring, it was important to have a plan for my time off work to maximize my opportunities to get out.  While I no longer have that schedule to consider, going into late Spring with a plan is just as important.

Over the years, I have learned that there are a lot of variables that go into a successful trip and a successful backpacking season.  For example, knowing what kind of snowpack we have can affect when you can get into certain places in the high country – should I plan on July or August?  It can also be a predictor of possible fire season.  I have had several well-planned trips severely impacted by smoke from summer wildfires, such as in Glacier National Park from the Howe Ridge fire in 2018 []. 

You can monitor the snowpack and precipitation through the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) web site for Montana, or any other state for that matter [].  This site not only gives area snowpack on a “basin” level, but there are also web sites for individual backcountry electronic monitoring stations, known as “snotels”.  I keep an eye on these sites throughout late Winter and early Spring and have back-up trips planned to other areas in case my first choices are negatively impacted by too much or too little snow. As with investing, diversity is important.

Then there is the matter of just where to go.  I have been to several places in Montana that were simply stunning and I would love to return, but at the same time, I would like to also explore new ones, so I shoot for a balance – some old, some new.  I spend time in January and February pawing through hiking books of various places, such as, the Bob Marshall Wilderness, Beartooths and Glacier National Park to get an idea of where to go.  Anyone who has taken any time looking through bookshelves at places like local REI stores or Barnes and Noble will recognize the yellow color of the Falcon Guides – probably the most ubiquitous of all hiking books in Montana (and other western states, as well) [].   

What trip planning is complete without a good set of maps?  I know some people are more comfortable with a GPS, but I never go anywhere without a compass and map – you never have to worry about the battery.  There are many sources for maps.  There are the “old fashioned” USGA 7.5 minute quadrangle topo maps [] and each national forest publishes maps of their forest [].  These latter are particularly useful for navigating the back roads in the national forests to get to trailheads.  Lately, new companies have been offering maps, such as Beartooth Publishing []. and National Geographic publishes trail maps, as well [].  These are great maps and, unlike USGA topo maps, they are printed on waterproof paper.  National Geographic also offers USGS topo maps for free pdf download, so you could print your own maps. [].  Finally, I like to check out various backpacking YouTubers, just to get an idea of the scenery they pass through in their videos.

Another thing I always check is whether an area is dog-friendly.  Obviously, dogs are not allowed in the national parks backcountry, but some wilderness areas can be “leash only” or no leash.  I have a four-legged trail companion, and it debatable whether she likes coming on my trips more than I enjoy having her company.  Therefore, I always put in the research to find out the applicable dog regulations so she can come with me.

Finally, there is being in shape to successfully complete the planned trips.  I can certainly attest, every year gets a bit harder, so its important for me to have a training plan.  With the mild winter, we have had this year, there hasn’t been the skiing and other activities I usually do.  However, it may mean being able to get on the trails earlier and put in as many miles as I can with a training pack, for my dog and I.  Not only does she need training, too, but its important that dogs be conditioned to long walks on rocky terrain by building up the thickness of their pads.  Often the softer surfaces over winter result in her losing some of this, leaving her possibly at risk for foot injury.  We don’t want cut paws in the backcountry, though I do carry the necessary first aid for her as well as myself.

To sum up, a successful, fulfilling backcountry season requires a certain level of planning and preparation.  It's important to take to heart the popular adage often attributed to Benjamin Franklin: “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”.  Personally, I use this time to be sure I am preparing NOT to fail.

Happy Trails!

[email protected]

5 Ways to Enjoy the Solstice

By Sean Jansen

Top 5 Activities for the Montana Winter Solstice
    `Sean Jansen

Winter Solstice in Montana is day of mixed emotions. Some of us love the day,waiting for it since the height of summer. While others loathe it. Hating the first snow fall and counting down each and every day following December 21st as each days gets lighter and longer. Whether you’re a die hard powder fan, cold weather enthusiast, or brand new to the scene, here are our top five activities to celebrate the shortest day of the year with. 

Get On A Mountain

Obviously with the arrival of old man winter, there are few activities greater than waxing up the skis or snowboard, grabbing that lift ticket, and hitting the slopes of your favorite mountain. Though the forecast throughout Montana looks like a fresh dumping of snow may not be in our luck for this solstice, the snow pack from all the storms previous should make even the grumpiest of one time skiers and snowboards have a smile.

Grab Your Fishing Rod

Though the height of winter typically screams for every layer known to man, a fresh dumping of snow, or tea and whiskey by the fire, the thought of grabbing your flyrod, waders, and fishing license are hardly on the list. But that is also the point. It is looking like the day should be relatively sunny throughout the state and above freezing. Making for the best conditions one could ask for on a Montana winter day. Gather up your midge patterns and stoneflies and get out there earning those pulls of whiskey from the flask.

Lace Up Those Running and Hiking Shoes

There is something to be said about the delicate crunch beneath your feet with each step in the snow. Most of the trails around town and even those that go deeper into the wilderness have some hard pack to enjoy a nice walk or even run despite the snow on the ground. Listen to the wind in the trees, the squirrels as they still gather their acorns, or maybe the curious deer or rabbit roaming the woods. What better way to enjoy the solstice than to get outside and enjoy the same trails we do in all other seasons.

Embrace the Dark

It is the shortest daylight of the year, so why not celebrate the darkness? Stay up all night and gaze up at the night sky and ponder the life that continues to happen without the sun. Grab the headlamp and walk around the neighborhood, enjoying the Christmas lights and fellow friends with conversation. Snuggle up and binge watch the favorite winter movies or ski clips to amp for the next powder day. The sunlight day length of the winter can spell the wintertime blues for many, but just because the sun goes down doesn’t mean your day should end. Fire up that snow mobile and snow cat. Drive on over to town pump, fill up those gas cans and fuel tanks, and go and get your adrenaline pumping. Countless trails and dirt roads that we all enjoy in the summer are now blocked with gates or feet of snow, impeding our four wheels and two legs to our favorite destinations. No more. Start that engine, put that helmet on, and get out into the wild and smile. Every day from here on out will get longer and longer for the next six months.


5 Hobbies Every Lady Should Consider In 2020

By Nate Gould



Ask anyone along the streets of Montana how they spend their free time and chances are, they’ll say something along the lines of watching Netflix or scrolling on social media. While Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook seem like a girl’s best friend in the twenty-first century, there are plenty of other engaging and more meaningful ways to pass the time.

So ladies, put your phones down and switch off the television — here are five interesting hobbies to consider spending your downtime on. We trust that you’ll find them therapeutic and fun at the same time, and you might even learn a new skill or two.

1. Photography

The first hobby that’s easy to pick up is photography. When you think of a photographer, you might imagine someone in a large studio space, or someone carrying tons of bulky and expensive equipment. Confusing cameras and niche jargon might even come to mind.

Well, that’s a misconception that many people have about photography. Contrary to what many believe, you don’t need heavy equipment or special cameras to engage in this hobby. In fact, all you need is probably already in your palm right now.

Phone cameras, especially smartphone cameras, will do just fine when it comes to amateur photography. They’re light, easily accessible, and easy to use as well. You probably already know how to operate your phone camera for selfies and pictures.

That said, if you decide to take this on as a hobby for real, do spend some time researching the functions of your camera. These days, there are so many functions to explore and play with, including effects, filters, and even adjustable lighting or focus. You can even research on what are good angles to take pictures from, or what settings work best for the environment you’re in.

To take this hobby up a notch, consider learning some editing skills to touch up pictures you’ve taken. Simple phone apps or software work fine and will take your pictures to the next level.

2. Baking

The kitchen is a place of almost unlimited potential. If you’ve only been using it for making dinners, why not try using it for baking, too? It’s a challenging hobby, one that requires lots of patience and learning, but it’s an enjoyable one nonetheless. The best part? You won’t have to go to the confectionery store anymore, with brownies, cupcakes, doughnuts, and all other sweet treats made from your kitchen instead.

Admittedly, some recipes are much harder than others, so try starting with simple recipes. A protip is to look at the number of ingredients needed for the recipe. Usually, the lesser the number of ingredients, the easier the recipe is. Delicious cakes like carrot cake and cheesecakes can be easily made under an hour, or brownies and chocolate chip cookies for chocolate-lovers.

You don’t have to worry about not having an oven, either, with many no-bake dessert recipes available online. These include lots of things like no-bake banana pudding, no-bake tarts, and even no-bake pies! Simply look up the recipes, get the ingredients, and voila, you’re ready to start this new and tantalizing hobby in no time.


3. Blogging

When you were younger, you probably read magazines and interesting columns like Aunt Agony or opinion pieces. Now with technology, anyone can start writing their own blogs, too, including you! This hobby is great, especially for those who love communicating, sharing new ideas and penning down thoughts.

Think of your blog as an open journal — you can write about anything you want, whether it’s about baking, exercising, clothes, or even your opinions on current affairs. It can either be public or private, depending on what you are more comfortable with. You can even choose only certain friends to be privy to your musings if you prefer.

To get started, what you’ll need is an account on a blogging site. You can create one on either mobile or desktop for free on sites like Wix, Wordpress, Medium, or Weebly. Each has its own specialty, so feel free to do some research and explore before getting started. For example, Wordpress is great for easy setup and zero site maintenance on your part but tends to have ads and limited monetization options. In comparison, Wix has beautiful templates and images, but with limited traffic and storage capabilities. And with all things online, you might even consider playing a game or two on the latest sites if you happen to encounter a writer’s block while blogging.

4. Art and Crafts

If using words is not really your thing, not to fret as you can still easily express yourself with arts and crafts. There are plenty of options for you from painting to pottery. You can even start with something really simple like drawing and sketching with materials you already have in your home.

A great aspect of art is that you can opt to do it alone or in a group, depending on what you like. Individually, all you need is the materials and a chunk of time to just invest in your art. It’s okay if you start off a little rusty or if your art doesn’t look as good as you had thought it would — all it takes is patience and practice. Try setting up a routine if possible, or a fixed time to work on your art every day.

Alternatively, doing art in a group is also an option as you can find many art classes in your city. Art classes are good especially for mediums that require a lot of materials, such as pottery with electric spinning wheels, clay, and glazing services. With classes, you’ll get access to these otherwise expensive materials, not to mention a community of fellow art-lovers to do it with.

5. Gardening

Nowadays with easy grow kits, you don’t need a green thumb to be a gardener. Unlike in the past where gardening involved a ton of heavy lifting and back-breaking work, today, gardening can be an extremely therapeutic and satisfying hobby to have.


There are endless variations of plants you can choose to have in your backyard, be it flowers, fruits, herbs, vegetables, and even trees. Before you start your gardening hobby, it’s a good idea to plan what you would like to see and what grows well in your area. For example, tropical plants like cane and palm trees grow very well in humid areas, while flowering plants like catmint and pansies grow well in colder environments.

Another plus point about gardening is that you can easily involve your family. Spend hours playing with your children in the garden, and eventually perhaps even serving and eating the yummy fruits of your labor.


All in all, these five hobbies are great ways to pass the time apart from staring at digital screens all day. From photography to baking, they are meaningful and productive and will make your days that much more enjoyable. 

5 Popular Professions in Montana

By Nate Gould


5 Popular Professions in Montana

Montana has a lot to offer its residents. The state hosts many fulfilling career opportunities from which to choose. With many acres of natural land, most of these options involve working outdoors closely with nature.

If you’re thinking of moving to Montana and getting a job, or you are looking for a change of pace, here are some popular professions in Montana to consider.

1. Contracting

Contracting is a hands-on profession that allows people to complete projects and work on their own schedule. If you feel a sense of satisfaction from working with your hands to build and repair structures, then you must consider contracting.


Other than obtaining a license, this is a relatively easy profession in which to get involved. Use online resources to pass the test on your first try and get your license sooner rather than later.


It is important to note that if you intend to specialize in contracting fields such as plumbing or electrical, then you may be subject to additional testing. These extra tests will ensure your aptitude and ability to work in these technical divisions.


2. Truck Driving

Montana is a large state, and many long roads connect its people. With its cities so spread out, there is quite a need for truck drivers to traverse these distances and deliver goods from one place to another. As a result of the high demand, this is a profession that offers significant compensation.


Truck driving is an excellent career for introverts because you will spend many hours on your own. You will also never have to worry about annoying coworkers. If you have always loved the open road, then you should consider looking into truck driving in Montana.


3. Farming

Montana features the second-most farmland of any state behind Texas. With so much land, it requires many farmers to be as productive as possible. The state is known for its cattle, barley, wheat, and hay.


If you’ve always felt that you have had a green thumb, then it may be time to put your skills to a large-scale test. Consider dedicating yourself to the noble cause of feeding the people of this nation and the world.


4. Logging

In addition to farmland, Montana is also home to millions of acres of forests, making logging a significant industry in this region. People use wood for everything from buildings to tables, and it all must come from somewhere.


If you have dreamed of working with heavy machinery and helping to support construction, then logging may be the right move for you.


5. Environmental Scientists

With so much land, there are many opportunities to study environmental science. If studying nature is calling your name, then Montana is the place to come and research. No matter whether you want to study mountains, valleys, or rivers, Montana has plenty to offer.


If rivers suit your fancy, then there are several impressive ones to check out in Montana. These natural wonders include the Missouri River, which is the longest river in the United States. The state’s Yellowstone River is the longest undammed river in the lower 48 states.

Montana is a state filled with endless opportunities for people seeking a new career in the great wilderness. If you want to move somewhere that brings you in touch with natural beauty, then Montana is a fantastic place to establish yourself. It is not called the Treasure State for no reason.

Come for a visit and discover all you can do in this beautiful place. Your exciting new career in Montana is waiting for you to find it.


From Glendive to N'awlins

From Glendive to New Orleans: Blues Guitarist John Fohl

   ~By Brian D’Ambrosio

To describe blues guitarist John Fohl as hard at it or in demand are cosmic understatements.

The Glendive native and University of Montana graduate is one of the busiest guitarists in the country. To stay active as a musician is arduous anywhere; but to keep working in the music-rich climate of New Orleans is exceptional.

Despite releasing a pair of solo records, Fohl’s contributions as an acoustic guitarist are what keep him in demand locally and nationally.

From Glendive to New Orleans: “A Sideman’s City”

It is the range of Fohl’s competence and his willingness to steer clear of the spotlight that have allowed him to contribute to the success of many of New Orleans’ top acts.

“I’ve learned a lot about being a sideman, and this (New Orleans) is a sideman’s city,” said John Fohl, who is perhaps most noted for his blues-rock work with (the recently deceased) Dr. John and the Lower 911. “As a sideman, I’m playing gigs on Bourbon Street, or a cigar bar on Mondays, or with Top 40 cover bands, or a country artist. With (Rock n’ roll Hall of Fame inductee and New Orleans legend) Dr. John, I had no rehearsal. It was a four-night run — and that was my audition. I had some music to learn and listened to a couple of shows, and I was told to be ready. It’s about showing up to play every single day.”

Whether with the instrumental funk and groove Joe Krown Organ Combo or backing up blues giants such as Pinetop Perkins, Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown, Bo Diddley, Joe Huston, Charlie Musselwhite, or Shemekia Copeland, Fohl has supported more than 25 records. And Fohl was initially exposed to a number of the musicians he has accompanied in Missoula in the late 1980s, including the Cajun and R&B centrifuge Brown (1924-2005).

“I had the chance to see ‘Gatemouth’ first at the Top Hat as a kid going to college. After I moved to New Orleans, I got to know his keyboard player well. Gate was friendly to me and I was even doing some acoustic tours with him. He was kind of a cranky guy. But when he’d stop being cranky, he would be the sweetest guy if you were willing to help him out.

“I first heard Pinetop Perkins (1913-2011) at the Carousel Bar in Missoula, out by the mall. I played with him a few times. When he was having fun and the band was cooking, it was hard to get him off of the stage. When he was not having fun, one time, while in his late 80s, he played for 10 minutes, and then he said, I’m outta’ here.”

Glendive roots: “Cadillac and a horse trailer as our rig”

Before he was a successful sideman, he was a kid from rural eastern Montana absorbing all that he could about music.

“Erik Ray (from Conrad, Montana) played in Glendive and I got a guitar lesson from him at age 15, and he pointed me toward the music to go look at. Erik taught me that country and other music was cool. We played in Glendive, Sidney, Wibaux and Miles City. I played with a couple of guys who still live in Missoula now. Ron Meissner hired me at 13 to play in his summer band. All of these guys were in their 20 and they took a chance on a little kid. I had to get the okay with mom to play in bars.

“In high school I started my own band, whatever we could learn off the radio, whatever we could get people to listen to. I joined Erik Ray and the Skates, and we did Battle of the Bands at the Carousel Bar. Erik had a '65 Cadillac he got from his grandfather, and a Cadillac and a horse trailer was our rig.”

While attending college at UM, Fohl formed a band called The Skanksters. From talent night at the defunct Luke’s Tavern to a long list of other clubs which no longer exist, including one called Hubcaps, Fohl thoroughly canvassed Missoula’s music scene. Realizing that he had “done what I could there,” he soon departed for Oregon.

Cherry Poppin’ Daddies to Subbing, Support Role

His nine years in Eugene, Oregon, was highlighted by his work with the Cherry Poppin' Daddies; the band’s swing-styled "Zoot Suit Riot" compilation CD sold more than 2 million copies, earning a double platinum mark in 2000.

“It’s funny because we were never really a swing band,” said Fohl. “We were more like a punk-funk band. The record that became double platinum, the majority of songs were culled from swing-style ones off the first three records. I joined the band at the beginning and left before they got really famous.”

Fohl arrived in New Orleans in 1996, and has since nurtured the tasteful style which has made him such a sought-after sideman. Indeed, the typical week finds Fohl playing guitar on another artist’s record; subbing for friends at venues such as B.B. King’s Club; backing up bands at clubs as electric and jazz guitar support; even venturing into the solo realm at local singer-songwriter nights.

“In the average week I could be playing six or seven different guitars on as many different projects, with all kinds of different music. Anybody can call me and I’ll go play with anybody.”

Always prepared to participate, Fohl said that the feedback apparatus of a sideman is uncomplicated.

“I’m subbing for a blues band tomorrow. It’s the first time I’ve ever played with these guys. Immediately after the gig, they will say, 'We will have you again,' or they won’t say anything.”

To keep things in motion is the only thing that Fohl can do.

“Being a sideman allows me to contribute to other people’s music, and that fulfills a big thing in me. But solo is where I get the chance to showcase my songs.”