As is the case with all other states in the United States, Montana has a state seal or emblem. There are a number and facts and features associated with the Montana state seal of emblem that residents and visitors to the state might find interesting. Montana was admitted to the Union on November 8, 1889.
History of the Montana State Seal
The Montana state seal traces its origins back to 1893. The state seal or emblem has not been altered since that time. With that noted, since it was originally created, the Montana state seal has been utilized in a number of different ways.
The Specific Components of the Montana State Seal
The Legislature of the state determined how the Montana state seal or emblem is to appear. According to the law, the Montana state seal is to depict mountains, plains, and forests. In addition, the Montana state seal is to include the Great Falls of the Missouri River.
Added to these images, the Montana state seal is to include a plow, pick, and shovel. These items on the state seal or emblem as intended to represent industry in Montana.
The final element of the Montana state seal is the state motto, emblazoned on a ribbon. The Montana state motto is "Oro y Plata," or gold and silver. This was adopted as the motto for the state in honor of Montana's mining history. The circumference of the Montana seal is encircled with the words "the great seal of the state of Montana."
The state motto predates the state seal by about 30 years. The state motto came into being, and has remained unchanged, since 1865. The motto actually was utilized when Montana was still a territory and before its admission to the Union.
The Montana State Seal and the Montana State Flag
Beginning in 1905, the Montana state seal was incorporated into the Montana state flag. Once again, the Montana Legislature enacted legislation, which was approved by the Governor, that resulted in the inclusion of the Montana state emblem into the state flag.
The state flag itself has a simple design. The flag features the Montana seal in the middle of a field of blue.
There has only been one alteration to the Montana state flag since it was first unfurled in 1905. In 1981, the "Montana" was added, in all capital letters, at the top of the flag.
Uses for the Great Seal of the State of Montana
In addition to being incorporated into the state flag, the Montana state seal has seen other uses as well. For example, historically, the state seal was placed on official documents. This has become somewhat less common today, and will continue to be so as we move further into the digital age.
The Montana state seal can be seen throughout government buildings. This includes the state capitol building.
The Montana state seal can be found on souvenir items. These include such things as coffee cups and glasses, items of apparel, and other items.
Other Symbols of the State of Montana
As is the case with many states across the United States, through the years, Montana has adopted a variety of other state symbols, in addition to the state seal and state flag. For example, the Montana state animal is the grizzly bear and the state bird is the western meadowlark.
Montana has three different types of "state songs." The official state song of Montana is aptly entitled "Montana." The state lullaby is "Montana Lullaby." Finally, the state ballad is "Montana Melody."
The Montana state tree is the ponderosa pine. The state grass is bluebunch wheatgrass. In the animal actor, the Montana state fish is the black spotted cutthroat trout.
The state Montana actually has two celebrated gemstones. The Montana gemstones are sapphire and agate.
The Montana state flower dates back to the early years of the state. It is the bitterroot.
The most recent addition to the pantheon of Montana state symbols is the state butterfly. The Montana state butterfly is the mourning cloak.
Interestingly, Montana has even gone so far as to designate a state fossil. The Montana state fossil is the duck billed dinosaur.
The various symbols of Montana, including the Montana state seal, can only be changed through legislation passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor. Similarly, the only way in which additional symbols can be added to the list is through a resolution passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor. Citizens are free to make recommendations to their state elected officials.
Jessica Kane is a writer for 777Sign, a leading provider of wholesale advertising flags, banners, tablecloths, and more.