The Top Hat Lounge Presents Motherhood Out Loud (Theater Production) -- MISSOULA -- October 15th

October 15th

Top Hat Entertainment and Mamalode present Motherhood Out Loud – A Live Theatrical Production at the Top Hat on October 15. Tickets for this all ages event are on sale now at the Top Hat & online.

Here’s what they don’t tell you in WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU’RE EXPECTING. When entrusting the subject of motherhood to such a dazzling collection of celebrated American writers, what results is a joyous, moving, hilarious, and altogether thrilling theatrical play. Utterly unpredictable, Motherhood Out Loud shatters traditional notions about parenthood, unveils its inherent comedy and celebrates the deeply personal truths that span and unite generations.

Motherhood Out Loud reveals with illuminating insight the humor, raw emotions and rocky roads we experience in life. Conceived by Susan R. Rose and Joan Stein, and written by Leslie Ayvazian, David Cale, Jessica Goldberg, Beth Henley, Lameece Issaq, Claire LaZebnik, Lisa Loomer, Michele Lowe, Marco Pennette, Theresa Rebeck, Luanne Rice, Annie Weisman, Cheryl L. West and Brooke Berman, under the direction of Lisa Peterson.

Motherhood Out Loud received its triumphant World Premiere at Hartford Stage, its West Coast premiere at the Geffen Playhouse (as In Mother Words) and its New York engagement at Primary Stages.

“A humorous and inspiring journey through motherhood. Raw, unadulterated and incredibly moving.” – Rockin’ Mama

“A hip and breezy production. Storytelling at its sweetest.” – Jennie Webb, Back Stage

“Succeeds because it is so authentic.” – Tanner Stranksy, Entertainment Weekly