SOUP for Shorties Inspires Youth to Dream Big Event -- BOZEMAN -- November 5th

November 05th

The Bozeman Area Community Foundation and The Baxter will host Bozeman SOUP for Shorties event from 6-8pm featuring four youth under 18 years old and their innovative ideas to make Bozeman a better place to live.

The Bozeman SOUP is a micro-granting dinner celebrating and supporting innovative projects that benefit the Bozeman community. With a small donation of $10 at the door – soup by Wheelhouse Kitchen, bread from Wild Crumb and a vote are provided. Handmade pottery bowls by local Gangbusters pottery will be available for purchase. Participants will listen to four short presentations from youth ranging from art, eco-agriculture, social justice, social entrepreneurs, education, technology, etc. that create a positive impact in the Bozeman community. 
After all the presentations are complete, participants grab a bowl of delicious soup and bread and discuss their favorite idea with other community members. When the night nears to a close, participants vote for their favorite idea. All votes are then counted and whoever has the most votes takes home all the money from the door to fund their idea!
“At the Bozeman Area Community Foundation, we believe that anyone can be a philanthropist by giving of their time, talents or treasures to their community. The Bozeman SOUP for Shorties event is a great way to inspire and engage our youth in giving back by harnessing their innovative ideas to create community change. We can’t wait to hear what ideas will be shared on November 5th! We are thrilled to partner with The Baxter to make this event a reality,” said Bridget Wilkinson, Executive Director for the Bozeman Area Community Foundation. In November, the Bozeman SOUP for Shorties theme will feature ideas from youth 18 and under. 
Presenters can be an individual or a team of youth with a great idea! All local youth are encouraged to submit their innovative idea by filling out a short application at by October 1st at midnight. All applications will then be reviewed by a committee and four youth community members will be selected to present their idea during our event on Thursday, November 5th.  All presenters will receive training on how to give their short presentation.
For more information about the Bozeman SOUP for Shorties event, contact Bridget Wilkinson at 406-587-6262, [email protected] or go to to learn more.