MSU Billings Annual International Food Fair -- BILLINGS -- March 26th

March 26th

For many international students on campus, coming to Montana culture brings of a variety of changes, including what is at the dinner table.

During MSU Billings’ annual International Food Fair, the table is turned and international students get to share with the Billings community their recipes from back home.

The 12th annual MSUB International Food Fair will be held March 26, from 4:30 to 7 p.m., in the Rimrock Café on the university campus. Open to the public, tickets are $12 for adults, $8 for kids age 5-12, and free to those under 5.

“The International Food Fair is an opportunity to experience the many different cultures that make up our campus in a great and unique way,” said Craig Nelstead, a junior mass communications major who serves as the International Studies student club’s vice president. “I can’t think of a better way to learn something new about the world than by tasting an abundance of delicacies from almost every continent in the world.”

Not only do the students prepare the food, they also serve the dishes, often dressed in their traditional clothing. Tables are decorated with flags, traditional décor and provide recipes from the food they’ve prepared.

With more than 12 countries represented, there is an incomparable opportunity to learn and sample diverse foods from Macedonia, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Korea, Kenya, Thailand, the Philippines, Iran, American Indian, Peru, and more.

Time: 4:30 pm

Location: MSU Billings