Lemonade on the Lawn -- LIBBY -- July 8th

July 08th

Wednesday, July 8 will kick off the 2015 Lemonade on the Lawn series at the Lincoln County Library in Libby. A program at noon on the second and fourth Wednesdays of July and August will be hosted by Libby Friends of the Library. A lunch will be offered for purchase or you are welcome to bring your own and just enjoy the program. An author, two musicians and a rousing interactive word game are scheduled throughout the summer. The first guest will be John Nores Jr., a California Department of Fish and Wildlife Patrol Lieutenant and author of War in the Woods: Combating the Marijuana Cartels on America’s Public Lands, who has been a game warden for 23 years. Lt. Nores has been investigating environmental crime and wildlife loss cases related to water pollution, stream alteration, habitat destruction, commercial black market wildlife sales, and all other aspects of wildlife resource crimes. On the menu for July 8 will be a pulled pork sandwich and fruit for $5.00. As always, Friends of the Library will provide free lemonade and a cookie.
