Helena Choral Week -- HELENA -- June 21st - 28th

June 21st

Musikanten Montana, Kerry Krebill, Artistic Director, announces plans for the annual Helena Choral Week.

Classes and private lessons during the day will be held at St. Peter's Episcopal Cathedral. Free concerts at the Myrna Loy featuring the guest artists Monday through Friday at 12:15. Choral rehearsals in the evenings and a big concert Saturday night at 8:00pm. Anyone can enroll in the classes or take private lessons; auditions are necessary for chorus participation. 

Guest Artists are Evanne Browne (soprano), Marjorie Bunday (mezzo soprano), Thomas Gregg (tenor), Kevin Sutton (tenor), Robert Tudor (baritone), Bobb Robinson (baritone) and Jean Browne (piano). More info will be posted on our website. The final concert venue and the church services are done at St. Peter's Episcopal Cathedral.
