Join Project x^2, Bozeman High School’s gender equality and empowerment club, at Flow Fest: an event for women’s menstrual health in India. This event is a fundraiser for Days for Girls International, a nonprofit that works to provide sanitary and sustainable period kits to girls and women in India to maximize their health, safety and opportunities.
Menstruation is a highly taboo subject in many parts of the world. In India, this stigma, coupled with poverty, means that 88% of India’s women of reproductive age do not use a sanitary menstrual hygiene method. This statistic has deadly consequences. Many doctors believe that the incidence of cervical cancer in India, which is almost twice the global average, can be partially attributed to inadequate menstrual hygiene. At least one in five girls in India will drop out of school upon getting her first period, hindering her opportunities and perpetuating cyclical poverty for future generations. Days for Girls International provides women with sustainable period kits and community-led training to give women and girls the opportunity to thrive in their communities.
Flow Fest will be held on June 11th at Wild Joe’s Coffee House from 5-7 PM. Join us for coffee and treats, local music and art, booths from local women’s organizations, and help raise money to seed a nation’s change.
Wild Joes Coffeehouse
Thu: Jun 11, 2015
5:00 pm