Kristen Berube lives a crazy, laugh-filled life with her outdoorsman husband Remi and their three camo-clad children in Missoula, Montana. A graduate of Montana State University and the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, she loves being a mom and enjoys hiking, fishing, and camping. “Confessions of a Camo Queen: Living with an Outdoorsman” is her first book.
I wish there were something that made me as giddy as a school girl on a daily basis as hunting and fishing does for him. Yes, I have hobbies I love. I even enjoy going fishing and camping. I have to admit though, there’s nothing I would repeatedly get up for every weekend at 4 a.m., freeze to death, rub my body down in estrus stink, snort and snuffle like a wild animal in public, spend every spare cent I have on a new camouflage pattern, or be willing to eat gas station corn dogs day in, day out. Hunting and fishing are his passion and I am grateful for them, but I just gotta share the crazy little nuances that make up an outdoorsman.
If you have an outdoorsman in your life, you’ll likely appreciate knowing that you are not alone! There is a special club that all of us belong to. This elite, women-only club is called the Camo Queens. This year-round club becomes extremely active as soon as the calendar rolls around to September and the outdoorsmen turn their attention to bows and arrows. Our credit cards have been impatiently waiting for a work out while the outdoorsmen froth at the mouth, lusting for hunting season to begin once again. Yes, throughout the summer they go fishing and hiking, but nothing compares to the hell-bent fury that overwhelms outdoorsmen when they know that it is now big-game season. God help us all.
I am grateful for the encouragement and giggling my outdoorsman has given me while writing this book. When I read him a new chapter, he laughs and hides his face in his hands. He loves to hear how I see the crazy antics that he considers just plain normal. Wait, what part of rubbing elk estrus all over you is normal? As I was writing this book, he read along, remarking on his favorite sections. He even pretended to act embarrassed about some of it. Of course, he loves the camouflage lingerie chapter the best because it gets him thinking about women and underwear. Men!